Jumat, 09 November 2018

VMware Workstation Pro 15.0.1 Build 10737736 (x64) + Cracked

Jalankan beberapa sistem operasi pada komputer yang sama tanpa mempengaruhi stabilitas sistem menggunakan perangkat lunak virtualisasi populer ini
VMware Workstation adalah solusi virtualisasi desktop yang menyediakan pengguna daya, administrator sistem, dan pengembang dengan kemampuan yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan dan menguji beberapa sistem operasi pada komputer yang sama.

Mengapa memilih aplikasi virtualisasi desktop

Untuk membuatnya lebih sederhana, VMware Workstation memungkinkan Anda untuk menjalankan beberapa mesin virtual pada PC Anda, memungkinkan pengujian ekstensif dan pengembangan aplikasi kelas server yang kompleks.
Melalui mesin yang kuat dan kuat, ini memudahkan pengembang untuk memperkenalkan infrastruktur virtual ke perusahaan dan meningkatkan produktivitas.

Instalasi dan antarmuka pengguna

Proses instalasi sangat sederhana, dan ini mengharuskan Anda untuk memilih mode biasa atau khusus (disarankan untuk pengguna tingkat lanjut). Antarmuka program memiliki tampilan yang sederhana namun teratur, yang menampilkan panel Home yang menyertakan pintasan ke utilitas paling penting yang dibawanya.
Plus, ia menawarkan dukungan untuk tata letak multi-tab, sehingga Anda dapat mengizinkan beberapa mesin virtual untuk dibuka sekaligus. Mempertimbangkan jumlah pengaturan yang dikelompokkan, tata letak cukup intuitif dan pemula dapat menggunakan wizard bawaan untuk membuat mesin virtual baru.

Bekerja dengan mesin virtual

Dengan VMware Workstation Anda pada dasarnya dapat melakukan tindakan antara mesin virtual, seperti memotong, menyalin dan menempel teks, gambar atau lampiran email (terutama berguna dalam mode Unity), sementara fitur drag-and-drop tersedia untuk memindahkan file, teks atau gambar antara mesin virtual (mis. pengelola file, pengelola file zip).
Fitur lain termasuk mengambil snapshot untuk mempertahankan status mesin virtual, mengubah pengaturan preferensi workstation, menginstal dan memperbarui berbagai alat, mengkonfigurasi opsi perangkat / perangkat keras virtual, menggunakan editor jaringan virtual, menggunakan perangkat dan printer yang dapat dilepas, menyiapkan folder bersama, dan menjalankan skrip pendukung.
Anda dapat menjembatani ke adaptor jaringan host yang ada, CD atau DVD, hard disk drive dan perangkat USB. Plus, Anda dapat menguji live CD tanpa terlebih dahulu merekamnya pada disk atau memulai ulang sistem komputer.

Fitur tambahan untuk dimainkan

VMware Workstation memungkinkan Anda mematikan, menangguhkan, me-restart, mematikan atau mengatur ulang tamu (mengatur ulang berarti menginstal ulang OS) , folder sare dengan tamu (sementara VM dapat dilindungi kata sandi) , aktifkan mode Unity, yang memungkinkan aplikasi diinstal pada mesin virtual untuk menjalankan langsung pada tuan rumah , mengedit hak istimewa untuk VM bersama , serta memanfaatkan koneksi jarak jauh.

Aplikasi virtualisasi desktop top secara keseluruhan

Secara keseluruhan, VMware Workstation adalah alat cepat dan praktis yang harus Anda uji jika Anda memerlukan utilitas virtualisasi. Beban kerja menurun secara signifikan, berkat perangkat lunak inovatif ini.

  • Display Powerful 3D Graphics:
  • Workstation 12 Pro now supports DirectX 10 and OpenGL 3.3 delivering a more fluid and responsive experience when running 3D applications. With these added capabilities you now have access to all the applications that require Direct X10 such as Microsoft’s Power Map tool for Excel, allowing you to visualize data in a whole new dimension. In addition, Workstation makes running highly demanding 3D applications like AutoCAD or SOLIDWORKS a snap in a virtual machine.
  • Ready for High Resolution Displays:
  • Workstation 12 Pro has been optimized to support high resolution 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) displays for Desktops and QHD+ (3200x1800) displays used in laptops and x86 tablets providing you with a crisp and detailed experience. Workstation 12 Pro now supports multiple monitors on the host with different DPI settings so you can run your brand new 4K UHD display along with your existing 1080P HD display
  • Create Powerful Virtual Machines:
  • With Workstation 12 Pro, you can create virtual machines with up to 16 vCPUs, 8 TB virtual disks, and 64 GB of memory to run the most demanding desktop and server applications in a virtualized environment. You can give graphics-intensive applications an additional boost by allocating up to 2GB of video memory to a virtual machine.
  • Ready for the Latest Hardware:
  • Take advantage of the latest Intel based tablets with Workstation virtual tablets sensors. Leverage the latest Microsoft Surface tablets with Workstation’s virtual accelerometer, gyroscope, compass, and ambient light sensor to enable applications running in the virtual machines to respond when a user moves, rotates, and shakes their tablet. Whether you are running on a laptop, tablet, or desktop, Workstation 12 Pro supports the latest Intel 64-bit x86 processors, including the Broadwell and Haswell microarchitecture for maximum performance.
  • Enhanced Connectivity:
  • Workstation 12 Pro takes advantage of the latest hardware supporting HD audio with 7.1 surround sound, USB 3.0, and Bluetooth devices making it easy to get your new webcam, headset, or printer connected in a virtual machine. Workstation 12 Pro now supports USB 3.0 in Windows 7 besides Windows 8 for ultra-fast file transfers with external storage devices. In addition Workstation 12 Pro improves performance of Skype or Lync conference calls within guest virtual machines so you can conduct crystal clear conference calls from your virtual machines.
  • Build Virtual Networks:
  • With improved IPv6 support, including IPv6-to-IPv4 Network Address Translation (6to4 and 4to6), users can create more complex networking topologies than ever before. Use the Workstation 12 Pro virtual network editor to add and remove virtual IPv4 or IPv6 networks and create custom virtual networking configurations, ideal for testing and demonstration environments without impacting the PCs network configuration.
  • Leverage the Power of vSphere and vCloud Air:
  • Workstation 12 Pro provides connections to VMware vSphere and vCloud Air service allowing you to extend and scale your virtual machines in the cloud. This allows technical professionals to work with local and server-hosted virtual machines side by side for optimal flexibility, and leverage resources beyond the power of a single PC. With Workstation 12 Pro, seamlessly drag and drop virtual machines between your PC and your internal cloud running vSphere, ESXi or another instance of Workstation. In addition, easily connect to vCloud Air and upload, run, and view virtual machines right from the Workstation 12 Pro interface.
  • Workstation 12 now provides vCloud Air power operations so you can power on/off or suspend/resume virtual machines saving extra steps and time.
  • User Interface:
  • Workstation 12 Pro gives technical professionals powerful control over how to set up and interact with virtual machines whether running them locally on your PC or in the cloud. The Workstation 12 Pro interface includes simplified menus, live thumbnails, tabs, preferences screens, and a virtual machine library with search capability allowing you to quickly view and access you virtual machines saving valuable time. Now with Workstation 12 Pro you can tear away a virtual machine tab to the desktop and create a whole new Workstation instance when you need to work with multiple virtual machines
  • Protect Your Work and Save Time:
  • With Workstation 12 Pro, you can safeguard and protect your virtual machines and save valuable time when using the Snapshot and Clone features. The Snapshot feature preserves the state of a virtual machine so you can return to it at any time. Duplicating Workstation virtual machines is easy using the clone feature, which allows you to make unlimited copies of a virtual machine right from the baseline installation and configuration. Linked clones are an even quicker, easier and more efficient way to duplicate complex setups for testing and custom demos. Linked clones make a copy of a virtual machine that shares virtual disks with the parent virtual machine and have the benefit of taking significantly less disk space than a full clone.
  • Run Restricted Virtual Machines:
  • Create and control policies around your virtual machines and deliver applications to end-users in a Workstation 12 restricted virtual machine container. Protect corporate content by restricting access to Workstation virtual machine settings like drag and drop, copy and paste, and connecting USB devices. Additionally virtual machines can be encrypted and password-protected to ensure that unauthorized users are unable to tamper with the corporate virtual machines settings. Workstation 12 Pro improves the performance of encrypted VMs during suspend and resume operations with up to 3x faster performance over previous versions of Workstation.
  • Expiring Virtual Machines:
  • For workers assigned to short-term projects, temporary employees, or just delivering a software evaluation, Workstation allows you to create restricted virtual machines that can expire at a predefined date and time. When powered on, the virtual machine will query the server at specified time intervals, storing the current system time in the restricted virtual machine's policy file as the last trusted timestamp. An expired virtual machine will automatically suspend and will not restart without administrator intervention.
  • Virtual Machine Cross Compatibility:
  • Workstation 12 Pro provides compatibility across the VMware product portfolio and across different platforms. With Workstation 12 Pro you can create virtual machines that can run across the VMware product portfolio or create restricted virtual machines that can be used in Horizon FLEX, Fusion Pro, and Workstation Player.
  • Prosesor 64-bit x86 Intel Core 2 Duo atau yang setara, AMD Athlon ™ 64 FX Dual Core Processor atau yang setara
  • 1.3GHz atau kecepatan inti yang lebih cepat
  • RAM 2GB minimum / RAM 4GB direkomendasikan
  • 1.2 GB ruang disk yang tersedia untuk aplikasi. Ruang hard disk tambahan yang diperlukan untuk setiap mesin virtual. Silakan merujuk ke vendor yang merekomendasikan ruang disk untuk sistem operasi tamu tertentu

DOWNLOAD LINK : VMware Workstation Pro 15.0.1 Build 10737736  + Cracked ||| Mirror

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