Seperti nama perangkat lunak ini menyiratkan, Atlantis Word Processor dilengkapi dengan alat untuk pengolah kata. Ini dapat dengan mudah ditangani, bahkan oleh pengguna yang kurang berpengalaman.
Antarmuka program sudah akrab dan mudah dinavigasi. Atlantis Word Processor memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan fungsi undo, redo dan pencarian, serta mengubah mode tampilan dan mengelola bilah alat.
Tetapi Anda juga dapat memasukkan nomor halaman, simbol, hyperlink, daftar isi, catatan kaki, tanggal dan waktu, bersama dengan bidang, serta beralih ke mode layar penuh.
Selain itu, Anda dapat mengubah huruf karakter dan bahasa, membuat asosiasi file, menginstal Atlantis Word Processor pada drive yang dapat dilepas, mengkonfigurasi ulang pintasan program dan menyesuaikan bilah alat, serta menggunakan alat seperti periksa ejaan, koreksi otomatis, dan penghubung.
Dokumen dapat disimpan dengan format RTF, DOC, DOCX, COD, dan TXT. Dari area "Options" Anda dapat menonaktifkan Atlantis Word Processor dari membuat dokumen baru saat startup, menyesuaikan mode tampilan simbol khusus, menyimpan posisi kursor, mengubah skema warna dan membuat alat ini menggarisbawahi ejaan yang salah.
Pengolah kata membutuhkan jumlah CPU dan sistem memori yang rendah hingga sedang, memiliki waktu respons yang baik dan termasuk file bantuan. Tidak ada dialog kesalahan yang ditampilkan selama pengujian kami dan Atlantis Word Processor tidak membeku atau macet. Semua dalam semua, jika Anda mencari program sederhana untuk mengelola dokumen teks Anda, maka Atlantis Word Processor dapat membantu.
- Document creation and formatting is easy, using a customizable and expandable collection of document templates and sample letters
- Comprehensive Style Sheet support is available for advanced users
- A customizable and expandable Clip Library is stocked with text and graphic items ready to be inserted in larger documents whenever suitable. The Atlantis original collections of clips include everyday phrases, letter writing elements, clip art, etc
- Of course, all the traditional font and paragraph formatting commands are present
- More than 20 fields are supported.
- Words can be hyphenated across lines automatically or manually.
- You can create newspaper-type columns, divide documents into sections, each section with its own page settings.
- You have two graphic-type formatting modes to change font color and highlight text. You will use specific mouse pointers to format text in the same way as you would with a paint brush.
- Atlantis introduces a revolutionary approach to document formatting with a Format Palette and Brush.
- The Format Palette is only one of the instruments present on the Atlantis Control Board.
- A multilingual spellchecker will help you create documents with perfect language.
- Power Type is a typing assist adding unique functionality to Atlantis.
- The Overused Words feature will help creative writers avoid repetitions and clichés if they want their texts to be read with any interest or pleasure.
- To improve the reading and understanding of the documents you create in Atlantis, you can add bookmarks, hyperlinks, table of contents to them. Atlantis can build table of contents automatically at the press of a few keys.
- All documents created in Atlantis can be "Saved As Web Page", i.e. saved as HTML. This will help owners of personal Web sites, and also e-book creators tremendously. Atlantis also has a command to convert any document to an eBook with just a few mouse clicks.
- You will find comprehensive support for all types of lists, bulleted and numbered, whether simple (one level) or outline (multilevel).
- Headers and footers are fully supported.
- Use tables in your documents to present text information and numerical data.
- The recommended screen resolution is 800 x 600 or higher
Atlantis Word Processor
Atlantis Word Processor + Cracked
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